Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour visits Lucy the Elephant
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour and Lucy the Elephant
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour gets ready to take the tour
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour signs Lucy's guestbook
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour inside the belly of Lucy the Elephant
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour points out the importance of safety
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour at the top of Lucy the Elephant
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour gets a preview of the evening's event
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour retunrs to his roots
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour in Atlantic City
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour looks for Mr. Trump
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour meets Pepe Z. Phrawn
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour has photographic fun with Heather
Too Many Notes: Al E. Gatour waits for the show to start