▲▴: stack
▲▴: cyclinders
▲▴: safety switch
▲▴: many leaks in the roof
▲▴: forklift
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: belts
▲▴: roof structure
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: pillow
▲▴: pigeons, pigeons everywhere
▲▴: cloth
▲▴: so many pigeons
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: entrance into the tunnels of the kilm
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: invoice
▲▴: shelf
▲▴: silo
▲▴: top of the kilm
▲▴: untitled
▲▴: toilet block