IFlySkyhawks: My faithful steed - 2009 Trek Valencia - at VIA's office at 800 Myrtle
IFlySkyhawks: League Cycling Instructor, Justin, explains starting & stopping - the first bicycle drill
IFlySkyhawks: Justin watches as Peter launches forward into the first of many drills
IFlySkyhawks: LCI Justin watches Eric as he completes his scan behind
IFlySkyhawks: Charles scans behind and maintains a straight path as LCI Sara looks on.
IFlySkyhawks: Justin describes the next drill while we escape the heat in the shade
IFlySkyhawks: Wayne practicing the Rock Dodge
IFlySkyhawks: Joseph does a text book Rock Dodge manuever
IFlySkyhawks: Alanna leans into the Quick Turn
IFlySkyhawks: Eric masters the Quick Turn with his 29'er
IFlySkyhawks: Heading out for the road test - riding in traffic and applying newfound skills.
IFlySkyhawks: Awesome class photo - VIA ride supervisors and Alanna from our May class