Donnanonna: Honoured to have Rind-necked Pheasants hang out at my house!
Donnanonna: First user of my new drip!
Donnanonna: You are so pretty!
Donnanonna: White-throated Sparrow
Donnanonna: Evening Grosbeak (male)
Donnanonna: Downey Woodpecker
Donnanonna: Purple Finch (male).. gelled hair!
Donnanonna: Purple Finch (female)
Donnanonna: Never tire of these sweet Chickadees
Donnanonna: This is my best side.
Donnanonna: Couldn't get him to turn and let the sun .. yes, I said, sun.. shine on that ruby throat.
Donnanonna: Juvenile Hairy Woodpecker..I think.
Donnanonna: Rare Nova Scotia Hummingbird :-)
Donnanonna: Itchy, Itchy..Scratchy, Scratchy..