Donnanonna: Spring sounds
Donnanonna: Palm Warbler
Donnanonna: Hermit Thrush
Donnanonna: Hermit Thrush
Donnanonna: Northern Parula-- far away but more than I will be able to see when these leaves unfurl!
Donnanonna: Bald Eagle.. flying over the Shubenacadie River.. across the road from my house.
Donnanonna: Red-winged Blackbird (female)
Donnanonna: Bobolink (male)
Donnanonna: Yellow Warbler (male)
Donnanonna: Tree Swallow (Annapolis Royal Marsh)
Donnanonna: I think the guy in the middle has spotted me! Taken at Annapolis Royal Marsh.
Donnanonna: Bobolinks.. male and female.. taken at Belisle Marsh
Donnanonna: Common Yellowthroat (male).. selling himself.
Donnanonna: Common Yellowthroat.. beginning to understand the "common" part of the name!
Donnanonna: Part of a Nashville Warbler-- quite an eye-ring!
Donnanonna: Part of a Magnolia Warbler.. he's shy!
Donnanonna: Chestnut-sided Warbler (male)
Donnanonna: Yellow Warbler also enjoying the apple blossoms
Donnanonna: Cedar Waxwing
Donnanonna: Cedar Waxwing
Donnanonna: Couldn't get him to turn and let the sun .. yes, I said, sun.. shine on that ruby throat.
Donnanonna: I think I will start a "birds with apple blossoms" series.
Donnanonna: Redstart (female)
Donnanonna: All done! Sorry, these loaded in reverse order!
Donnanonna: .. and more preening
Donnanonna: More preening
Donnanonna: Preening Junco
Donnanonna: Common Yellowthroat.. I swear these guys are following me!
Donnanonna: Black-backed Woodpecker... branches and twigs in the way but this was a life bird for me!