TrueFan: a Hobbiton 2
TrueFan: a Hobbiton 1
TrueFan: a Hobbiton 3
TrueFan: "I think we should get off the road."
TrueFan: Isengard gardens 1
TrueFan: Isengard gardens 2
TrueFan: Flight to the Ford 1
TrueFan: Flight to the Ford 2
TrueFan: Rivendell
TrueFan: Lothlorien
TrueFan: River Anduin
TrueFan: Amon Hen
TrueFan: The Fellowship breaks 2
TrueFan: Emyn Muil
TrueFan: near Ithilien
TrueFan: The Three Hunters
TrueFan: Fangorn Forest
TrueFan: "Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall."
TrueFan: After Gimli falls...
TrueFan: Edoras
TrueFan: Helms Deep Minas Tirith
TrueFan: Pelennor