Biblioto: View from Helbert Farm
Biblioto: Rear Elevation Before
Biblioto: Four legs and timberframe
Biblioto: Addition Oak Sleepers -17
Biblioto: Timberframe Assembly
Biblioto: Timberframe Assembly
Biblioto: Timberframe Joinery
Biblioto: Helbert Farm-East Elevation
Biblioto: Timberframe Addition
Biblioto: Rafters Detail
Biblioto: Timberframe Addition
Biblioto: Timberframe-kitchen
Biblioto: Raising Day before crew
Biblioto: Clad in Panels 2
Biblioto: Frame raising
Biblioto: Untitled-3
Biblioto: Diana with Leon Burkholder on planting day
Biblioto: West Elevation of Addition; Dry Pack Stone Wall
Biblioto: Front of the house-post demo
Biblioto: Timberframe Addition-East Elevation
Biblioto: Princess Room-PreRestoration
Biblioto: Timber Frame Addition-Interior
Biblioto: Cedar Shake Roof
Biblioto: The Crew
Biblioto: Untitled-44
Biblioto: Untitled-42
Biblioto: Two New Roofs and Red Windows
Biblioto: Kitchen Emerging
Biblioto: Untitled-21