Kat-i: Durchblick
Kat-i: Wolken über Mount St. Helens
Kat-i: A sunny place on top of the hill
Kat-i: Entrance to Denver
Kat-i: Mount Rainier in the afternoon
Kat-i: "Let's go - it's green"
Kat-i: "The guitar player and the lady"
Kat-i: Relaxing-time
Kat-i: "The bean"
Kat-i: Duck in the dark
Kat-i: "The bean"
Kat-i: Alive and dead
Kat-i: Wasserfall im Yellowstone NP
Kat-i: Spiegelung in Alaska
Kat-i: Yellowstone NP
Kat-i: Yellowstone NP
Kat-i: Yellowstone NP
Kat-i: Dead trees at Mammoth Hot Springs
Kat-i: "Orange Spring Mouth" Yellowstone NP
Kat-i: Mammoth Hot Springs
Kat-i: Allee zum Meer
Kat-i: USA, Boone Hall Plantation
Kat-i: Alaska, Dalton-Highway
Kat-i: Alaska, Dalton Highway
Kat-i: Alaska, Dalton-Highway
Kat-i: Avenue of Oaks ~ EXPLORE
Kat-i: Wolken über den Rockies/Clouds and Rockies
Kat-i: Columbia Icefields, Athabasca Glacier
Kat-i: Meares Gletscher - Meares Glacier II
Kat-i: Meares Gletscher - Meares Glacier I