howie516: Amethyst crystal on Quartz matrix
howie516: Calcite on Quartz and Pyrite matrix
howie516: Pink Tourmaline on Lepidolite matrix
howie516: Cobaltic Calcite
howie516: Smithsonite
howie516: Rose Quartz
howie516: Chalcedony Stalactite
howie516: Druze Quartz over Chrysocolla
howie516: Gold crystals over Quartz
howie516: Fluorite crystal on matrix
howie516: Vanadinite crystals over Barite
howie516: Mimetite over Wulfenite
howie516: Citrine faceted and rough
howie516: Amethyst faceted and rough
howie516: Emerald faceted and rough
howie516: Ruby faceted and rough
howie516: Golden Calcite crystals
howie516: Quartz stalactite
howie516: Garnet crystals over Smokey Quartz
howie516: Scolecite over Stilbite
howie516: Baltic Amber, polished and rough
howie516: Fossilized clam
howie516: Fossilized coral
howie516: Fish and palm leaf fossil
howie516: Apophyllite on Quartz matrix
howie516: Vanadinite on Goethite
howie516: Smokey Quartz crystal on matrix
howie516: Black Tourmaline ( Schorl ) on Cleavelandite Matrix
howie516: Pyromorphite crystals on matrix
howie516: Golden Wulfenite crystals over green Mimetite