sim_scars: Since art school in 1980 to the present I have kept a sketch book (or 12).
sim_scars: 1980, the first, with moody self-portrait
sim_scars: My brothers, usually watching tv.
sim_scars: tidy as ever
sim_scars: June 1982
sim_scars: studies for college projects
sim_scars: IMG_6700
sim_scars: I would go fishing with my mate Aaron, he would fish whilst I would draw.
sim_scars: IMG_6702
sim_scars: IMG_6703
sim_scars: more pictures of Brothers
sim_scars: IMG_6705
sim_scars: Malaysia, coloured pencils, very 80's!
sim_scars: The book still has sand in the spine
sim_scars: IMG_6708
sim_scars: Back to college
sim_scars: IMG_6711
sim_scars: IMG_6712
sim_scars: IMG_6713
sim_scars: During a climbing trip
sim_scars: Cycling around the Peloponnese with a friend, I think I gave away more pictures than I kept (or swapped for food!)
sim_scars: My Claud Butler
sim_scars: IMG_6717
sim_scars: We would hang out where the female American archaeologists were
sim_scars: First drawing of the future Mrs (not an archaeologist, or American)
sim_scars: My first job, in a London studio, lots of commuting.
sim_scars: Feb 1986
sim_scars: more future Mrs (same one)
sim_scars: Could usually get a seat going home
sim_scars: Dec 1986