rfmcgrane: The cops wouldn't do the New York, New York kick with me but this guy did.....of course I had to pay him
rfmcgrane: Carol with one of the mounted Police outside St Patricks in New York City
rfmcgrane: A beautiful day on our way into Central Park
rfmcgrane: She can't believe she posed for this picture
rfmcgrane: Les Paul, 93 and still playing
rfmcgrane: Les Paul at the Iridium Club in New York City
rfmcgrane: The MTV Music Awards brought lots of New York's Finest
rfmcgrane: They said they would like to but too many cameras
rfmcgrane: Jeffery Ruhalter at Essex Market
rfmcgrane: Jeffery Telling me the Hillary Clinton story
rfmcgrane: We are already looking forward to next year....
rfmcgrane: What a great time we had, every year gets better
rfmcgrane: We did and saw so much and all we have are these 3 pictures