ynotwooly: Honey Bee
ynotwooly: Cricket ( Jimmy )
ynotwooly: Caterpiller
ynotwooly: Female March Fly (Bibio albipennis)
ynotwooly: Small pond fly
ynotwooly: B...
ynotwooly: cool weevil
ynotwooly: Dandilion Bug or Bug on a Dandelion
ynotwooly: Close encounter of the insect kind
ynotwooly: cinnabar moth caterpillar
ynotwooly: just beeing a crocus...
ynotwooly: Natures cup.
ynotwooly: just me and my shadow
ynotwooly: Green Longhorn Moth
ynotwooly: Bracken
ynotwooly: Shield Bug
ynotwooly: Sprucing up...
ynotwooly: BIG Hoverfly thing. (Chrysotoxum Festivum)
ynotwooly: Having Lunch
ynotwooly: Gatekeeper butterfly.
ynotwooly: Utterly Butterly.. or Gatekeeper butterfly
ynotwooly: Wi-Fli.
ynotwooly: Grass jumpything....
ynotwooly: Southern Hawker
ynotwooly: Smile for the camera...