vstarboop: Lynn and keith before services.
vstarboop: Both Bikes at Middletown, NY
vstarboop: Tools of the trade.
vstarboop: Friends from Manshester stopped by.
vstarboop: Hundreds of bikes.
vstarboop: Bikes parked on the streets.
vstarboop: Coffee outreach, Laconia, NH
vstarboop: Coffee outreach, Laconia, NH
vstarboop: Military showing us a coin he received in the military.
vstarboop: Honorbound Motorcycle Ministry Coffee outreach.
vstarboop: Honorbound Motorcycle Ministry Coffee outreach.
vstarboop: Honorbound Motorcycle Ministry Coffee outreach.
vstarboop: Keith riding into the outreach.
vstarboop: Keith riding into the outreach.
vstarboop: Keith riding into the outreach.
vstarboop: Serving coffee at the outreach.
vstarboop: Keith at the ministry table.
vstarboop: Vietnam Vet. we gave a Psalms 91bandana.
vstarboop: Outreach in Americade
vstarboop: Outreach in Americade