vstarboop: Free Bike Wash
vstarboop: Free Bike Wash
vstarboop: Chaplain Keith and Masters Commission washing bikes.
vstarboop: Cookout at Evangel church property.
vstarboop: Miss Diane and Pastor Terry
vstarboop: Sister Pastor helping wash bikes.
vstarboop: Masters Commission washing bikes.
vstarboop: Ready to Wash!
vstarboop: Military tribute bike.
vstarboop: Masters Commission washing bikes.
vstarboop: Joe Gordan, cooking lunch!
vstarboop: Kevin and Tom Golden
vstarboop: BeBe & Jughaid
vstarboop: Lynn & Keith enjoying the beautiful area.
vstarboop: Chaplain Keith, Pastor Terry and Butch.
vstarboop: Chaplain Keith speaking at the eventt.
vstarboop: Wash Bay
vstarboop: Washing Bikes
vstarboop: Free Bike Wash
vstarboop: The Wash
vstarboop: Prayer