TheFoxTale: He likes to climb.
TheFoxTale: Aleister has gotten bigger!
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus loves seed transplanting time.
TheFoxTale: The would-be escapees, Bandit, Wrex, and Bubo.
TheFoxTale: The chickens began to escape when the bird netting tore under the weight of the snow.
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus likes peppers.
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus loves all things gardening!
TheFoxTale: Camera Roll-837
TheFoxTale: Camera Roll-836
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus is all like "Mmmm...dirt..."
TheFoxTale: I don't think she approves of the peat pots.
TheFoxTale: Wicket has gotten big.
TheFoxTale: Blackula is even bigger!
TheFoxTale: The brothers.
TheFoxTale: New addition! Aleister Crawley is a leopard gecko!
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus likes to roll in yarn.
TheFoxTale: A box!
TheFoxTale: Aleister is shedding.
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus slept with her face smushed against the window for the entire afternoon.
TheFoxTale: Quadrapus loves sun.
TheFoxTale: Something at the birdfeeder?
TheFoxTale: Billina.
TheFoxTale: Billina.
TheFoxTale: Malai is the cutest.
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-625
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-623
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-620
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-618
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-617
TheFoxTale: My Photo Stream-605