William Bronston MD:
Pinnacle College studio hosts Theatron
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Zach Proteau, mentor at Sound Design Theatron Session 2
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Zach and Julie intro
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Julie Munso, Director of Admissions, Pinnacle College
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Julie Munso, Welcoming YBAMA Theatron members
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Anderas Guerra, Yeshrun Alemu, Justin Sentevey Grant HS media students
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Zach Proteau, Octopus Media, reviewing Protools
William Bronston MD:
Zach Proteau, YBAMA mentor for Sound Design Theatron
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Harley Glynn, Lead Instructor, Pinnacle College on Mixing Board
William Bronston MD:
Sound Design Theatron group with Harley and Zach
William Bronston MD:
Harley Glynn, Lead Instructor at Pinnacle College
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Patch system demo connecting Mix Board with sound operation options
William Bronston MD:
Patch System linking all sound management operations
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Zach explains the Mixing Board components and dynamics
William Bronston MD:
Pinnacle System 24 input mixing Board
William Bronston MD:
Zach demos the latest tools to YBAMA Theatron group
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Theatron group in the recording studio
William Bronston MD:
a Sound Recording studio in Pinnacle Colllege for Bands
William Bronston MD:
Zach and Harley share the teaching session for Theatron
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Instrument intro in Recoding studio for Theartron Sound Design Session
William Bronston MD:
Sound recording instruction
William Bronston MD:
Zach and Harley break down sound tools for YBAMA group
William Bronston MD:
Sound Recording board and audio sources
William Bronston MD:
Proteau leans into the demo
William Bronston MD:
Nick Maniscalco, Will Stinson, Alex Greenlee, Justin Senteney, Cam Clark and Yeshrun Alemu
William Bronston MD:
Harley Glynn, Pinnacle Lead Instructor and Zach Proteau, Octopus Audio teaching
William Bronston MD:
Studio Professional Protocol
William Bronston MD:
Pinnacle College Storage
William Bronston MD:
Pinnacle College Studios