lakekoshare: Lions Mane jellyfish
lakekoshare: Grand Pre damselfly
lakekoshare: Grand Pre willows
lakekoshare: Peggy's Cove in the rain
lakekoshare: Yellow Pond Lily, Nuphar variegatum
lakekoshare: Arethusa bulbosa
lakekoshare: Northern Crescent
lakekoshare: Bank Swallows
lakekoshare: Common Eiders
lakekoshare: Cliff Swallow on nest
lakekoshare: Fire pit
lakekoshare: Dragon's Mouth Orchid, Arethusa bulbosa
lakekoshare: Bog Laurel
lakekoshare: Rhodora
lakekoshare: Mountain Alder
lakekoshare: Halls Harbour, N.S.
lakekoshare: too big to eat? lobster
lakekoshare: Bunchberry
lakekoshare: Clintonia borealis
lakekoshare: Cape Breton Highlands National Park
lakekoshare: Cape Breton Highlands National Park
lakekoshare: Starflower
lakekoshare: Falls, Cape Breton Highlands
lakekoshare: Northern Pitcherplant, Sarracenia purpurea
lakekoshare: Atlantic Ocean near Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia
lakekoshare: Arethusa bulbosa
lakekoshare: Strict Blue-eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium montanum?