lakekoshare: Green Dragon, Arisaema dracontium, Watts Branch Stream Valley Park, 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Broad-headed Skink female, Plestiodon laticeps, lower Watts Branch, Montgomery County, MD 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Broad-headed Skink female, Plestiodon laticeps, lower Watts Branch, Montgomery County, MD 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Violet Wood Sorrel, Lower Watts Branch, 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Walking Fern, Camptosorus rhizophyllus, Watts Branch, 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Cobra Clubtail, Gomphus vastus, lower Watts Branch, 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Watts Branch below River Road flowing to Potomac River
lakekoshare: Juvenile Broad-headed Skink, Watts Branch below River Road, 6-3-14
lakekoshare: Green Dragon, Watts Branch below River Road, 6-3-14
lakekoshare: Golden-backed Snipe Fly, Piney Branch at Glen Mill Road, 3 June 2014
lakekoshare: Lizard's-tail Saururus cernuus
lakekoshare: Northern Water Snake, Piney Branch at Glen Mill Road, 3 June 2014
lakekoshare: Elephant's-foot, Elephantopus carolinianus, lower Watts Branch, 8-28-14
lakekoshare: Leatherflower vine, Clematis viorna, Watts Branch, 5-23-14
lakekoshare: Projectile point of rhyolite found in Watts Branch streambed in 1970
lakekoshare: tourmaline (var.) schorl and garnets
lakekoshare: Tourmaline (var.) schorl
lakekoshare: Virginia Spiderwort, 5-8-15
lakekoshare: Stream Cruiser dragonfly, 5-8-15
lakekoshare: Watts Branch just above confluence with Potomac River
lakekoshare: Virginia Snakeroot, Aristolochia serpentaria, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Pipevine Swallowtail, Travilah, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Sachem, Travilah, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Golden Club, Travilah, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Zebra Swallowtail, Travilah, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Pipevine Swallowtail on Ninebark, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Robin's Plantain, Erigeron pulchellus, 5-15-15
lakekoshare: Passiflora lutea
lakekoshare: Chrysopilus ornatus, Ornate Snipe Fly
lakekoshare: Walking Fern