lakekoshare: White-winged Crossbill male, Fort Ritchie, 1 26 13
lakekoshare: White-winged Crossbills (Loxia leucoptera), Resthaven Cemetery, 29 March 2013
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Simmons Road, 11-5-13
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Simmons Road, 11-5-13
lakekoshare: Young Red-headed Woodpecker, Bridgeport Road, 11-19-13
lakekoshare: American Pipit crop, Grimes Road, 12-11-13
lakekoshare: Lapland Longspur, Bollinger School Road north of Harney Road, 1-27-14
lakekoshare: Lapland Longspur with Horned Larks, 1-27-14
lakekoshare: Lapland Longspur, NE Washington County, 2-4-14
lakekoshare: Wilson's Snipe, Glade Road, 2-11-14
lakekoshare: White-crown & White-throat, Bollinger School Road, 2-11-14
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Bridgeport Road, 2-17-14
lakekoshare: White-crowned Sparrow adult, 2-25-15
lakekoshare: Tree Sparrow, Harney & Shriver Roads, 2-20-15
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Toms Creek pond, 4-11-15
lakekoshare: Lapland Longspur, 1-30-16
lakekoshare: White-crowned Sparrow
lakekoshare: White-crowned Sparrow
lakekoshare: Horned Larks
lakekoshare: Eastern Meadowlark
lakekoshare: American Pipit
lakekoshare: Greater Yellowlegs
lakekoshare: Dickcissel
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Ruggles Road, 2 18 13
lakekoshare: Red-headed Woodpecker, Ruggles Road, 1-18-14
lakekoshare: Male American Kestrel, 1-20-14
lakekoshare: Cooper's Hawk, 1-7-16
lakekoshare: Tree Swallow
lakekoshare: White-crowned Sparrow
lakekoshare: American Pipit