Velcroflamingo: "I can't believe I ate the whole thing! !"
Velcroflamingo: Did you kiss your horse today?
Velcroflamingo: HOT DOG! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Velcroflamingo: I found a Birthday Girl!
Velcroflamingo: Happy Birthday to my adorable baby brother!
Velcroflamingo: Behind the Scenes of HMM...
Velcroflamingo: my star today...
Velcroflamingo: Green for Peggy Green
Velcroflamingo: My little brother knows me too well...
Velcroflamingo: Matt Met Mercy )))
Velcroflamingo: He is Risen, Indeed!
Velcroflamingo: Second course...
Velcroflamingo: Designer shoes...
Velcroflamingo: The Bobbsey Twins at Home
Velcroflamingo: Monkeying around...
Velcroflamingo: The Bell of St. Matthew!
Velcroflamingo: Portrait of a satisfied man
Velcroflamingo: No menu was necessary for the eating of this lunch
Velcroflamingo: We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Velcroflamingo: HAppy Birthday, Georgie Blue!
Velcroflamingo: Happy Birthday, Alf
Velcroflamingo: Look! Janet's wearing the fur hat!
Velcroflamingo: it's...Livhouse the Pumpkinmeister!
Velcroflamingo: Welcome home, Little brother...
Velcroflamingo: ...and here he IS!
Velcroflamingo: Fait Accompli...((((
Velcroflamingo: Thus endeth the lesson
Velcroflamingo: The perfect choice to depict American hospitality...)))
Velcroflamingo: LIVe in the USA...
Velcroflamingo: Look! She GOT it! )))))