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Re-enactments - Pre-history to 1700 by Row 17
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Row 17
Viroconium 020 - OK, you've made your point.
Row 17
Row 17
"The next contest will continue until one fighter is severely maimed."
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 016 - Plantagenet Fists
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 017 - Falstaff
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 018 - The Green Man
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 019
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 020
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 021
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 022
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 023
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 024
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 025
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 026
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 027
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 028 - Vanquished
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 029
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 030
Row 17
Clun Green Man Festival 031
Row 17
Viroconium 003 - A patrol returns
Row 17
Viroconium 004
Row 17
Viroconium 005 - Just arrived from southern Gaul
Row 17
Viroconium 007 - Human Resources Chief Negotiator
Row 17
Viroconeum 008 - trying to stay warm.
Row 17
Viroconium 009 - On guard duty
Row 17
Viroconium 010
Row 17
Viroconium 011 - Dad's Legion
Row 17
Viroconium 012
Row 17
Viroconium 013
Row 17
Viroconium 014
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