un regard oblique: Gustaf Wernersson Cronquist (Sverige, 1878 - 1967) Titel saknas, ca. 1925 src Moderna Museet. boy exterior portrait
un regard oblique: Jacob Olie jr. Zonsondergang - Sunset over the sea, ca. 1913 - ca. 1927. Autochrome. src Rijksmuseum
un regard oblique: Zonsondergang boven een landschap met bomen en een huis, Jacob Olie jr., c. 1913 - c. 1927 glass Autochrome src Rijkdmuseum
un regard oblique: BARON ADOLF DE MEYER, Still Life, # 3 1908 from an Autochrome, Pictorialism
un regard oblique: BARON ADOLF DE MEYER, Still Life, # 3 1908 from an Autochrome, Pictorialism 1
un regard oblique: BARON ADOLF DE MEYER, Still Life, 1908 from an Autochrome, Pictorialism eBay
un regard oblique: BARON ADOLF DE MEYER, Still Life, 1908 from an Autochrome, Pictorialism eBay 1
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman at the garden, 1913 autochrome (detail)
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman at the garden with Chinese Wisteria, 1913 autochrome
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman Christina O'Gorman, 1913 - CNN
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman posing for her father, 1913. Autochrome
un regard oblique: Christina on the Beach, 1913, by Mervyn O’Gorman (Autochrome)
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Portrait of Christina wearing a red cloak, 1913. Autochrome.
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman at the beach, Lulworth Cove, Dorset, England, 1913. Autochrome.
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman, 1913. Autochrome.
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman, 1913. Autochrome
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman by pond, 1913. Autochrome
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Christina O'Gorman (standing) in the garden, ca. 1913 - Autochrome
un regard oblique: Mervyn O'Gorman, Girl (Christina) with a bunch of flowers, c 1913. getty images
un regard oblique: Young woman from back (France), ca. 1935 src getty images
un regard oblique: A boat sits still in the water at sunrise near Abu Simbel, Egypt, December 1923 ph by Jules Gervais Courtellemont National geo
un regard oblique: A couple in a boat paddle on a lily pond and collect flowers in the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Washington D.C., 1923. Charles Martin National Geographic
un regard oblique: A woman poses in rippled sand dunes near Crescent City, California, June 1929. Charles Martin Natgeo
un regard oblique: Alvin Langdon Coburn, Elsie Thomas in a Kimono with Sunflower, autochrome, 1908 twitter
un regard oblique: An informal group portrait of Amish children in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1937.Photograph by J. Baylor Roberts, National Geographic
un regard oblique: Arnold Genthe, Autochrome for the Book of Dance, 1920. src Galerie Gadcollection Blog
un regard oblique: Autochrome 1920 photographe anonyme rives
un regard oblique: Autochrome by Charles Corbet, c. 1910 from a tumblr
un regard oblique: Autochrome by Bäckström, Helmer at europeana
un regard oblique: Autochrome by Hertzberg, John at europeana