JDz WORLD: Locked and Loaded
JDz WORLD: Feeding time
JDz WORLD: Overnight at White Horse Casino
JDz WORLD: On site welcome committee
JDz WORLD: Good thing "Certain" Folks didn't know about these virgins
JDz WORLD: and all in one place
JDz WORLD: Sunset in Idaho Desert
JDz WORLD: Beautiful day after Washington RAIN every day!
JDz WORLD: Steve got his FIRST Sabre Tooth Sage Rat!
JDz WORLD: A brighter sunset in the same spot.
JDz WORLD: Charlie brought his trailer to help block 17mph wind!
JDz WORLD: U Spot Um - Me Swat Um!!
JDz WORLD: Getting ready for a ride
JDz WORLD: Ron and "Mad Dogg" discussing World Events (Pellet Talk)
JDz WORLD: Cheap BB Guns.....;)
JDz WORLD: It's just to the right.........
JDz WORLD: Pan from left to right..............
JDz WORLD: Jue, Missy, Chico and JDs "Accomadations".
JDz WORLD: Planning stage
JDz WORLD: Yep, everything is still there....
JDz WORLD: off again......