JDz WORLD: JD starting bush removal
JDz WORLD: Ready for guidance
JDz WORLD: High trimming
JDz WORLD: Dave downrange pickup
JDz WORLD: Carole and branches
JDz WORLD: View from down range
JDz WORLD: Lots of branches
JDz WORLD: Many, Many Branches
JDz WORLD: Will it ever end??
JDz WORLD: Ready for next mission
JDz WORLD: Yea, NOW I won't poke my eye out..
JDz WORLD: Gotta keep the help busy!?
JDz WORLD: WE done guuud!!
JDz WORLD: George clearing bush to look better
JDz WORLD: Don with supervisor eyes
JDz WORLD: Man there was lotsa branches
JDz WORLD: That one branch is broken..and if it falls...
JDz WORLD: Tim hiding..........or working......
JDz WORLD: Support Vehicles
JDz WORLD: Excellent drain for awning
JDz WORLD: Carole will sleep good tonight
JDz WORLD: John brings his expertise into the dig and Dave supervises
JDz WORLD: ....and now we will use horsepower
JDz WORLD: Where were Dave & Carole???
JDz WORLD: Steve and his "Engineered" Drain Line