JDz WORLD: Sign In Time
JDz WORLD: Pellet Talk
JDz WORLD: Tools of the Trade
JDz WORLD: Daves Tools
JDz WORLD: Yep....
JDz WORLD: JC thinking....."I'm gonna kick that old man's.......
JDz WORLD: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JDz WORLD: Getting Ready
JDz WORLD: MOT - Defender of the Consolidated Precipitation.
JDz WORLD: George and John Mickel
JDz WORLD: Objectives
JDz WORLD: and more..........
JDz WORLD: There they are...........
JDz WORLD: in their little houses
JDz WORLD: Big and Little KZs
JDz WORLD: MOT - actually TOM...inside story
JDz WORLD: Ted.........did it drop??
JDz WORLD: Don't know who Bill is scoring
JDz WORLD: Rick scoring Terry
JDz WORLD: Getting Ready
JDz WORLD: George
JDz WORLD: JM scoring Dave
JDz WORLD: Yes, they are small holes.............