JDz WORLD: Reset line holder for standing lane.
JDz WORLD: John Mickel - Match Director.
JDz WORLD: JD chillin'.
JDz WORLD: Team Assignments.
JDz WORLD: Harvey.
JDz WORLD: Bob signing in.
JDz WORLD: The Critter Homes 50 feet away.
JDz WORLD: The Critters.
JDz WORLD: Yep, that's them all right........
JDz WORLD: 10 lanes of them with two in each lane.
JDz WORLD: Getting ready.
JDz WORLD: Sight-in time.
JDz WORLD: Team Assignments.
JDz WORLD: Almost time to go "HOT".
JDz WORLD: JD ready to score George.
JDz WORLD: Don scoring Harvey.
JDz WORLD: Dave scoring John C.
JDz WORLD: John M. scoring Terry.
JDz WORLD: Ted scoring Bob.
JDz WORLD: Turmoil amongst the team???
JDz WORLD: Harvey and Don didn't know about the 5 minute limit.
JDz WORLD: All done.
JDz WORLD: Everything is being put away for next month.