JDz WORLD: Practice Targets
JDz WORLD: Dave (Match Director) starting set-up.
JDz WORLD: Dave made the wooden targets
JDz WORLD: Practice target and falling plates
JDz WORLD: Dueling Spinners were too small at the distance we had them. They won't return to pistol.
JDz WORLD: Dueling Squirrels.
JDz WORLD: Our Carpenter
JDz WORLD: JD with a can of paint!
JDz WORLD: Tuning
JDz WORLD: Plates and then Rams in 30 seconds
JDz WORLD: Safety Meeting
JDz WORLD: Sue doing "Re-Loading Magazine" chores.
JDz WORLD: Ted and John M.
JDz WORLD: Switch sides and go again.
JDz WORLD: John C. and JD
JDz WORLD: Switch sides and go again.
JDz WORLD: Ted and Dave
JDz WORLD: Ted reloading
JDz WORLD: John AND John
JDz WORLD: Running Tombstone and Practice Target