JDz WORLD: Dave setting his targets. YES, Dave made these!!
JDz WORLD: Bowling Pins
JDz WORLD: JD checking falling plates
JDz WORLD: Daves Dueling Squirrel Tree
JDz WORLD: There he is!
JDz WORLD: Practice targets on end.
JDz WORLD: More Practice Targets.
JDz WORLD: Tie Breaker for Bowling Pins.
JDz WORLD: Practice Targets
JDz WORLD: JDs Running Tombstone.
JDz WORLD: Touchup painting of practice targets
JDz WORLD: All done.
JDz WORLD: All done.
JDz WORLD: Last minute check.
JDz WORLD: Ted brings Coffee and Doughnuts! THX!!
JDz WORLD: John M. checking his magazines.
JDz WORLD: Pellet Talk.
JDz WORLD: Shooters Meeting.
JDz WORLD: Match Starts with Terry and Dave G.
JDz WORLD: Dave G.
JDz WORLD: JD with his HPA 1911.