JDz WORLD: Tools of the Trade
JDz WORLD: John M (sitting) was our Match Director and decided to "Sit Out" to give the rest of us a chance.
JDz WORLD: Daves CZ200 "Piffle"
JDz WORLD: Bob getting his AA 410SL ready, that's Kays (his Sweetie) CZ200
JDz WORLD: Mike showing his daughter Rosellen and son Loren set up requirements for re-set lines
JDz WORLD: John C and his AA 510SL
JDz WORLD: George and his CZ200
JDz WORLD: Rosellen and brother Loren shooting CO2 Rifles with Iron Sights!!
JDz WORLD: Bob, todays Match Winner (is that a CZ200??)
JDz WORLD: Bill (how many CZ200s is that???)
JDz WORLD: JDs AA Pro Target FT
JDz WORLD: Harvey "The Springer Man"
JDz WORLD: Rosellen and her Avanti
JDz WORLD: Kay and her CZ200
JDz WORLD: George, the only "Leftie" (What in the world is he shooting??)
JDz WORLD: Terry and his RAW TM1000
JDz WORLD: Dave and his CZ200 "Piffle"
JDz WORLD: JD and his AA PT-FT
JDz WORLD: Prone and Irons!!
JDz WORLD: 50 Feet to reach the target
JDz WORLD: This was one of the targets with bigger holes (NO! Not the eye shot)
JDz WORLD: Pellet Talk
JDz WORLD: Kay taking a break
JDz WORLD: Loren getting that CO2 Avanti ready for the shot
JDz WORLD: JDs "Favorite Position" NOT!!
JDz WORLD: Scores were posted on little Clip Boards