JDz WORLD: John M at sight in time
JDz WORLD: Chuck and John C
JDz WORLD: Terry
JDz WORLD: George
JDz WORLD: Pick your target............
JDz WORLD: Airgun.........Piece of Cake...................
JDz WORLD: Watch this, Suckers.............
JDz WORLD: Inhale, Hold, Exhale....Squeeze.......
JDz WORLD: And when I turn this...........
JDz WORLD: Will you two just be quiet????
JDz WORLD: Don't make me come over there and disconnect your battery......
JDz WORLD: Pull here???
JDz WORLD: I think it was high.......NO it was Low....or maybe.....
JDz WORLD: Why me......................
JDz WORLD: Now you know why my left arm is stronger than my right...
JDz WORLD: If you hit it.......why didn't it fall???
JDz WORLD: Now I'll just squeeze..........
JDz WORLD: There it is...............
JDz WORLD: Where is that Pheasant????????
JDz WORLD: NO.....I'm NOT playing pocket pool!!!!
JDz WORLD: Georges turn in the barrel.....
JDz WORLD: Dominic............
JDz WORLD: Let me show you how it's done..
JDz WORLD: Ted being "Micro Managed".....
JDz WORLD: George supervising Terry scoring........
JDz WORLD: Not bad for an old man.........
JDz WORLD: John M.