JDz WORLD: We enjoyed the cover.
JDz WORLD: Sight in time.
JDz WORLD: And lots of "Pellet Talk".
JDz WORLD: Parking getting tight.
JDz WORLD: Howard checking to see who is on his team.
JDz WORLD: Safety Meeting
JDz WORLD: John M (MD) giving us "The Word"
JDz WORLD: Noel taking "First Shot" of the day.
JDz WORLD: John M, Shane and Rick K supervising Rick B (Hunter Top Dog)
JDz WORLD: Sarah, Rachel and Dominic
JDz WORLD: Brent setting up for lane.
JDz WORLD: JDs knee bracket
JDz WORLD: JD Ranging
JDz WORLD: That's the position.......
JDz WORLD: Steady.......
JDz WORLD: Takes aim.....
JDz WORLD: Noel (Match Winner) resets target
JDz WORLD: Brent and Noel supervise Dave
JDz WORLD: Noel and Dave supervise Brent!
JDz WORLD: Thats the target on the end of a 2x4!
JDz WORLD: Noel and Dave supervise Brent
JDz WORLD: After CCRP Matches we adjourn to the Farm Boy.