JDz WORLD: Is it going to stop?? Note ground.
JDz WORLD: Supervision.
JDz WORLD: Terry.
JDz WORLD: Sighters before Match.
JDz WORLD: Rick and his deadly offhand.
JDz WORLD: Sara. Finally caught her without her posing for the shot!!
JDz WORLD: Installation of Safety Muzzle Cap demonstrated.
JDz WORLD: Every one of our Meets have a informative Safety Meeting.
JDz WORLD: Howard giving Safety Meeting and discussing "Muzzle Caps".
JDz WORLD: JD in his little world!
JDz WORLD: We had Safety Radios every third station.
JDz WORLD: Some WERE Easy though!
JDz WORLD: John and Granddaughter Sara.
JDz WORLD: EASY???? There is a Bat upsidedown in the culvert.
JDz WORLD: Johns dad scoring JD.
JDz WORLD: Howard, "King of Springers".
JDz WORLD: Johns Dad spotting for John.
JDz WORLD: John.
JDz WORLD: Terry Scoring Noel.
JDz WORLD: Howard.
JDz WORLD: Noel doing special underhanded, crossover backwards scope twist!
JDz WORLD: Noel.
JDz WORLD: Hardest, non-cooperative target (for JD anyway).
JDz WORLD: John.
JDz WORLD: I don't know.....I think John was admiring JDs Offhand Stance.