JDz WORLD: JD Dodge, "Aced" the course with his AA EV2 MKII.
JDz WORLD: Dave taking careful aim.
JDz WORLD: Prone Shooting is still in style.
JDz WORLD: Rick, Noel and Tom Pellet Talking.
JDz WORLD: Dave doing the "Hardest" shot of the match.
JDz WORLD: Mike and Brent supervising Terry.
JDz WORLD: Yep, it's down there!
JDz WORLD: Rick supervising Dave.
JDz WORLD: JD with one of his "Winning" shots!
JDz WORLD: Tom, you are using the wrong hand!?
JDz WORLD: Howard, right on as usual!
JDz WORLD: JDs Air Arms EV2 MKII. The Only Model Rifle to ACE course. And it has been done twice (Rick with a Red version and now JD with a Black version)
JDz WORLD: Changing Lanes.
JDz WORLD: There is that Standing Shot AGAIN!!
JDz WORLD: Sara, our resident "EXPERT" Female.
JDz WORLD: Her Brother, John, finds out it's not as easy as he thought it would be. No more making fun now!!
JDz WORLD: Mike and his "TRIK" rifle.
JDz WORLD: Howard and Terry doing more Pellet Talk.
JDz WORLD: OK Rick, practice time is over!