Rich Hall: California Towhee, Trestle Ponds
Rich Hall: California Towhee, Trestle Ponds
Rich Hall: Snow Geese, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Wilson's Phalaropes, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Cinnamon Teal, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Cinnamon Teal, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Western Grebes, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Clark's Grebe, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Clark's Grebe, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: White-faced Ibis, Woodland WTP
Rich Hall: Black-crowned Night Heron, Road 103 rookery
Rich Hall: Western Bluebird, UC Davis Arboretum
Rich Hall: Anna's Hummingbird, UC Davis Arboretum
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpie, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpie, Putah Creek4258
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpie, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpie, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpies, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: American White Pelicans, City of Davis Wetlands
Rich Hall: American White Pelicans, City of Davis Wetlands
Rich Hall: Black Phoebe, Putah Creek South Fork
Rich Hall: Black Phoebe, Putah Creek South Fork
Rich Hall: Tree Swallow, Putah Creek South Fork
Rich Hall: Swainson's Hawk, Putah Creek South Fork
Rich Hall: Oregon Dark-eyed Junco, Castle Peak Trail
Rich Hall: Green-tailed Towhee, Donner Camp
Rich Hall: Western Tanager female, Chapman's Saddle
Rich Hall: Western Tanager male, Chapman's Saddle
Rich Hall: Western Bluebird, Yuba Pass
Rich Hall: Western Bluebird, Yuba Pass