Rich Hall: Black Skimmer, LSSI
Rich Hall: Gull-billed Tern, LSSI
Rich Hall: Royal Terns, LSSI
Rich Hall: Forster's and Royal Terns, LSSI
Rich Hall: Forster's Tern, LSSI
Rich Hall: Forster's Tern, LSSI
Rich Hall: Least Tern, LSSI
Rich Hall: Common Gallinule and chick, LSSI
Rich Hall: Common Gallinule and chick, LSSI
Rich Hall: Mottled Duck, LSSI
Rich Hall: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, LSSI (left bird banded)
Rich Hall: Blue-winged Teal, LSSI
Rich Hall: Blue-winged Teal, LSSI
Rich Hall: Surf and Black Scoters, LSSI
Rich Hall: Black Scoters, LSSI
Rich Hall: Surf Scoters, LSSI
Rich Hall: Nelson's Sparrow, LSSI
Rich Hall: Nelson's Sparrow, LSSI
Rich Hall: Nelson's Sparrow, LSSI
Rich Hall: Nelson's Sparrow, LSSI
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting, LSSI
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting, LSSI
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting, LSSI
Rich Hall: Bald Eagle, LSSI
Rich Hall: Black Vulture display, LSSI
Rich Hall: Black Vulture display, LSSI
Rich Hall: leg-flagged Red Knot, LSSI
Rich Hall: leg-flagged Red Knot, LSSI
Rich Hall: Red Knots, LSSI
Rich Hall: Red Knots, LSSI