Rich Hall: Banded watersnake, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, LSSI
Rich Hall: Norm (American alligator), LSSI
Rich Hall: Wood Stork chick (newly hatched), LSSI
Rich Hall: Wood Stork chick (newly hatched), LSSI
Rich Hall: Wood Stork chick (newly hatched), LSSI
Rich Hall: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and Stilt Sandpiper, LSSI
Rich Hall: Lesser Yellowlegs and Stilt Sandpiper, LSSI
Rich Hall: Dunlins and Snowy Plover, LSSI
Rich Hall: Snowy Plover, LSSI
Rich Hall: Wilson's and Snowy Plovers, LSSI
Rich Hall: Snowy Plover, LSSI
Rich Hall: Snowy Plover, LSSI
Rich Hall: Shorebird medley (including two Whimbrel), LSSI
Rich Hall: Least Sandpiper, Massengale Beach, St Simons
Rich Hall: Least Sandpipers, Massengale Beach, St Simons
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plover, Massengale Beach, St Simons
Rich Hall: Piping Plover, Massengale Beach, St Simons
Rich Hall: Piping Plovers, Massengale Beach, St Simons
Rich Hall: Eastern Willets displaying, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern Willet displaying, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern Willets displaying, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern Willet displaying, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern Willet displaying to a Whimbrel, LSSI
Rich Hall: Eastern Willets and Sanderling, LSSI
Rich Hall: Whimbrel, LSSI
Rich Hall: Whimbrel, LSSI
Rich Hall: Whimbrel, LSSI
Rich Hall: Whimbrels, LSSI