Rich Hall: Banded Red Knot, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Banded Red Knot flying, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Semialmated and Wilson's Plovers, Dunlin, Western Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitcher, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: American Kestrel, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Short-billed Dowitcher, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Whimbrel, Short-billed Dowitcher and Dunlin, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Whimbrel and Marbled Godwit, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Whimbrel and Marbled Godwit, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Semipamated Plovers, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Piping Plover, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Dunlin and Black-bellied Plover, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Dunlin, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plover, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Red Knot and Dunlin, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Red Knot, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plovers, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: American Oystercatcher, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Saltmarsh Sparrow, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Seaside Sparrow, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Seaside Sparrow, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Seaside Sparrow, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Red Knot, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: American Oystercatcher, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Sanderlings, Ruddy Turnstone and Willet feeding on driftwood, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Sanderlings, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Sanderlings, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Sedge Wren, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Sedge Wren, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: Greater Yellowlegs and American Avocet, SCI CBC
Rich Hall: shorebird flying flock, Dunlin, Brown Pelicans, American White Pelicans, SCICBC