Rich Hall: Bald Eagle with nesting material, LSSI
Rich Hall: Peregrine skirmish, LSSI
Rich Hall: Peregrines, LSSI
Rich Hall: Peregrine, LSSI
Rich Hall: Peregrine, LSSI
Rich Hall: Peregrine, LSSI
Rich Hall: Northern Harrier, Myrtle Pond, LSSI
Rich Hall: Northern Harrier, Myrtle Pond, LSSI
Rich Hall: Merlin, LSSI
Rich Hall: Sandwich, Royal and Caspian Terns, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Banded Caspian Tern, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Caspian Terns, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Piping Plovers, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Piping Plover, LSSI beach
Rich Hall: Piping Plovers, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Sanderlings, LSSI
Rich Hall: Black Vultures eating a bottlenose dolphin, LSSI
Rich Hall: Traill's Flycatcher (probably Alder), Norm's Pond, LSSI
Rich Hall: Mrytle pond egrets and Roseate Spoonbills, LSSI
Rich Hall: Mrytle pond egrets and Roseate Spoonbills, LSSI
Rich Hall: Clapper Rail, LSSI