Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpiper and Caspian Terns, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Red Knot and Ring-billed Gull, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpiper, Red Knot, Semipalmated Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpiper and Semipalmated Sandpiper, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plover, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Baird's Sandpiper and Sanderling, Montrose Beach
Rich Hall: Least Flycatcher, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Least Flycatcher, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Least Flycatcher, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Veery, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Veery, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Olive-sided Flycatcher, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Red-headed Woodpecker, Montrose Point
Rich Hall: Nashville Warbler, Field Museum
Rich Hall: Nashville Warbler, Field Museum
Rich Hall: Nashville Warbler, Field Museum
Rich Hall: Black-crowned Night-Heron, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Swainson's Thrush, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Magnolia Warbler, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Magnolia Warbler, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Wilson's Warbler, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Wilson's Warbler, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Mourning Warbler, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Mourning Warblers, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Mourning Warblers, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln Park
Rich Hall: Clay-colored Sparrow, Lincoln Park