Rich Hall: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: subadult White Ibis, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting female and fledgling, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Painted Bunting, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Glass lizard, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Yellow Rat snake, Priests Landing, Skidaway
Rich Hall: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: Common Tern, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: Common Terns, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: Sandwich Tern, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: Royal Terns, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: Black Skimmer, Tybee North Beach
Rich Hall: King Rail, Altamaha WMA
Rich Hall: White Ibis nest, Norm's Pond
Rich Hall: Roseate Spoonbill pair and nest, Norm's Pond
Rich Hall: Adult and fledgling Tricolored Heron, Norm's Pond
Rich Hall: Wood Stork family, Norm's Pond
Rich Hall: Wood Stork family, Norm's Pond
Rich Hall: Lemon shark, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plover pair, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plover chick, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Wilson's Plover chicks, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Least Tern, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Least Tern, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Black Skimmer, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: Black Skimmer, LSSI Beach
Rich Hall: American Alligator, Goose Pond
Rich Hall: American Alligator, Goose Pond