Rich Hall: Aleutian Tern, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Aleutian Tern, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Aleutian Terns, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Long-tailed Jaeger
Rich Hall: Parasitic Jaeger, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Short-tailed Shearwater, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Slaty-backed Gull adult, Nome Harbour
Rich Hall: Slaty-backed Gull, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Glaucous Gulls, and Black-legged Kittiwake, Nome River mouth
Rich Hall: Black Guillemot, Nome Harbour
Rich Hall: Arctic Loon
Rich Hall: Arctic Loon montage
Rich Hall: Pacific Loon with Red-necked Phalarope standing on its back!
Rich Hall: Pacific Loon flying
Rich Hall: Pacific Golden Plover
Rich Hall: Pacific Golden Plover display flight
Rich Hall: Whimbrel display flight
Rich Hall: Hudsonian Whimbrel (left) and Bristle-thighed Curlew
Rich Hall: Bristle-thighed Curlew
Rich Hall: Western Sandpiper
Rich Hall: Wilson's Snipe on a powerline
Rich Hall: Red-necked Phalarope
Rich Hall: Bar-tailed Godwit (kittiwake photobomb)
Rich Hall: Surfbird
Rich Hall: Surfbird
Rich Hall: Wandering Tattler
Rich Hall: Rough-legged Hawk
Rich Hall: Gyrfalcon
Rich Hall: Gyrfalcon nest
Rich Hall: Short-eared Owl