Rich Hall: Greater Prairie-Chickens, OK
Rich Hall: Greater Prairie-Chicken, OK
Rich Hall: Greater Prairie-Chickens, OK
Rich Hall: Greater Prairie-Chickens, OK
Rich Hall: Greater Prairie-Chickens, OK
Rich Hall: Horned Lark, KS
Rich Hall: American Tree Sparrow, KS
Rich Hall: American Tree Sparrow, KS
Rich Hall: Dunlin and Baird's Sandpipers, KS
Rich Hall: Frankin's Gull, KS
Rich Hall: Frankin's Gulls, KS
Rich Hall: American Kestrel and Loggerhead Shrike, OK
Rich Hall: American Kestrel, OK
Rich Hall: Prairie dog, KS
Rich Hall: Greater Roadrunner, KS
Rich Hall: Yellow-headed Blackbirds, KS
Rich Hall: Ferruginous Hawk, KS
Rich Hall: Vesper Sparrow, KS
Rich Hall: IMG_8467
Rich Hall: Lesser Prairie-Chicken, KS
Rich Hall: Lesser Prairie-Chicken, KS
Rich Hall: Sprague's Pipit, KS
Rich Hall: McCown's Longspur, KS
Rich Hall: White-tailed Kite (rare!), KS
Rich Hall: Northern Pintail, KS
Rich Hall: Harris's Sparrow, KS
Rich Hall: Rough-legged Hawk, KS
Rich Hall: Rough-legged Hawk, KS