Rich Hall: Zebra tarantula, Santa Rosa NP
Rich Hall: Kiskadee devouring gecko
Rich Hall: Kiskadee devouring gecko
Rich Hall: Barred Antshrike
Rich Hall: Nutting's Flycatcher
Rich Hall: Santa Rosa NP dry forest vista
Rich Hall: White-throated Magpie-Jay
Rich Hall: Allen's coral snake
Rich Hall: Allen's coral snake
Rich Hall: Pauraque
Rich Hall: large green lizard sp, Santa Rosa NP
Rich Hall: White-lored Gnatcatcher
Rich Hall: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Rich Hall: Roseate Spoonbills, Palo Verde
Rich Hall: Snail Kite
Rich Hall: Snail Kite eating apple snail
Rich Hall: American crocodile, Rio Tempisque
Rich Hall: Proboscis bat
Rich Hall: Boat-billed Heron
Rich Hall: Punta Monos
Rich Hall: massive, hot-dog sized sphinx moth larva with blood-sucking fly
Rich Hall: Short-billed Pigeon
Rich Hall: skimmer sp (roseate?)
Rich Hall: Two-toed sloth with baby on board
Rich Hall: Tropical Pewee
Rich Hall: Plain-colored Tanager
Rich Hall: Manzanillo
Rich Hall: White-whiskered Puffbird
Rich Hall: Breakfast buddies
Rich Hall: Streak-backed Oriole