Rich Hall: Juv. Least Sandpiper, YBWA
Rich Hall: Immature Swainson's Hawk, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: Burrowing Owl family, Davis
Rich Hall: White-tailed Kite, YBWA
Rich Hall: Wilson's Phalarope, Woodland WWTP
Rich Hall: Wilson's Phalarope, Woodland WWTP
Rich Hall: Red-necked Phalarope, Woodland WWTP
Rich Hall: Red-necked Phalaropes, Woodland WWTP
Rich Hall: Burrowing Owl, Davis
Rich Hall: A sign of the times :-(
Rich Hall: Burrowing Owl camouflage
Rich Hall: Long-billed Dowitchers at sunset
Rich Hall: American Bittern
Rich Hall: White-faced Ibis, YBWA
Rich Hall: Long-billed Dowitchers, YBWA
Rich Hall: Yolo Wildlife Area shorebirds
Rich Hall: Western Scrub-Jays, UC Davis
Rich Hall: Yellow-billed Magpie, Putah Creek
Rich Hall: Juv. Western Sandpiper, YBWA
Rich Hall: Long-billed Curlews, Rd 103
Rich Hall: Long-billed Curlews and Swainson's Hawks, Rd 103
Rich Hall: Swainson's Hawks, Rd 103