Starbright_Sally: Securing plugs and washing/conditioning the hair. I gently combed through to get rid of the tangles- the ends are still very coarse so will need to retreat them
Starbright_Sally: Securing plugs and washing/conditioning the hair. I gently combed through to get rid of the tangles- the ends are still very coarse so will need to retreat them
Starbright_Sally: A work in progress, this is Shohen (Henny) which means little pieces ❤️ she is my birthday present to myself
Starbright_Sally: A work in progress, this is Shohen (Henny) which means little pieces ❤️ she is my birthday present to myself
Starbright_Sally: A work in progress, this is Shohen (Henny) which means little pieces ❤️ she is my birthday present to myself
Starbright_Sally: A work in progress, this is Shohen (Henny) which means little pieces ❤️ she is my birthday present to myself
Starbright_Sally: A work in progress, this is Shohen (Henny) which means little pieces ❤️ she is my birthday present to myself
Starbright_Sally: Henny 💛
Starbright_Sally: Henny 💛
Starbright_Sally: Henny 💛
Starbright_Sally: Henny 💖💖