fishfish_01: A burmos 21 stove.
fishfish_01: A burmos 21 stove.
fishfish_01: A burmos 21 stove.
fishfish_01: time for a brew whilst coppicing
fishfish_01: time for a quick brew whilst coppicing today.
fishfish_01: AF Parkes 1552 Wiltshire billhook,still in active service.
fishfish_01: AF Parkes 1552 Wiltshire billhook,still in active service.
fishfish_01: boys up an ancient oak.
fishfish_01: all hands to copice!
fishfish_01: Ben coppicing.
fishfish_01: doormouse stash?
fishfish_01: doormouse stash?
fishfish_01: fleshing a Roe hide.
fishfish_01: fleshing a Roe hide.
fishfish_01: Roe deer butchered with my Leuku.
fishfish_01: ready to butcher a Roe deer.
fishfish_01: DSC07354