BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Out of the Red' (5x7inch acrylic on wooden panel)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'I’ve Been Knitting Apologies' (11x14inch acrylic on wooden panel)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- A Fox is a Wolf Who Sends Flowers' (6x6inch acrylic on wooden panel)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- The Blue Lute (2011)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'You've Got Me In Knots' (10 x 10" acrylic on wood panel)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Ursanaut'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Release Me'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Release Me' (lock & key charm detail)
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Rope Ladder to the Rabbit Moon'
BrentMaloney: KELLY DENATO- 'Your Hair' (6 x 6")
BrentMaloney: KELLY DENATO- 'You Have This Flower Over Me' (4 x 6")
BrentMaloney: KELLY DENATO- 'I Love You to Pieces' (8 x 10")
BrentMaloney: KELLY DENATO- 'Your Smell' (8 x 10")
BrentMaloney: KELLY DENATO- Custom figures & Pandroid AP
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Death of A Dream: Give It A Rest'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Death of A Dream: That'll Be All Now'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Cry Me A Ribbon'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Grind the Black'.
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Come Away With Me'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Swing Low' custom
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Swing Low' custom
BrentMaloney: 'Tiiimmber!!!' custom by Kelly Denato
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Tiiimmber!!!' custom
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Tiiimmber!!!' custom (front right showing cracking skull)
BrentMaloney: 'Fallsies' custom by Kelly Denato
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Fallsies' custom (detail)
BrentMaloney: 'Fallsies' custom by Kelly Denato
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- 'Pushing Daisies'
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- Chasing Waterfalls
BrentMaloney: Kelly Denato- Late Bloomers