magpie280168: Mum , what's a Pork chop.......
magpie280168: Can I have a drink of milk please Mum
magpie280168: First Bull in field.....
magpie280168: Second Bull in field.......
magpie280168: White Park with calf - Dovedale Aug-13
magpie280168: White Park with calf - Dovedale Aug-13 2
magpie280168: Sheep on the path
magpie280168: Which way.....
magpie280168: Dartmoor ponies
magpie280168: Sheep crossing...
magpie280168: Mother and calf
magpie280168: Young Calf
magpie280168: Riding Stables....
magpie280168: Sheep with lamb
magpie280168: Another sheep with lamb
magpie280168: Sheep at College Lake
magpie280168: Young cows...
magpie280168: Another OAP
magpie280168: Old and wooly....
magpie280168: Slightly old in the tooth, that's if it's actually got any....
magpie280168: I like to wear my heart on my sleeve.....
magpie280168: What's the time Mr wolf.........
magpie280168: Wonky Longhorn
magpie280168: Straight Longhorn
magpie280168: Cheese.................
magpie280168: Runny nose....
magpie280168: Bezzy mates