magpie280168: Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
magpie280168: Hiding water vole
magpie280168: Oak bush cricket, Meconema thalassinum
magpie280168: Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)
magpie280168: A very well hidden Purple Hairstreak (Favonius quercus)
magpie280168: White Admiral - Leminitis camilla
magpie280168: Brown Argus - Aricia agestis
magpie280168: Gatekeeper - Maniola tithonius
magpie280168: Grayling - Hipparchia semele
magpie280168: Ringlet - Aphantopus hyperantus
magpie280168: Small copper - Lycaena phlaeas
magpie280168: Three is definately a crowd although they still managed to fly in formation.....Myopa testacea - Thick-headed flies
magpie280168: Breaking in or breaking out........
magpie280168: Mum, it's freezing out here.......
magpie280168: Great Silver Water Beetle Larvae-Hydrophilus piceus
magpie280168: Great Silver Water Beetle Larvae-Hydrophilus piceus
magpie280168: Roesel's Bush-cricket
magpie280168: Grasshopper - Lesser Marsh - Female
magpie280168: Sand Wasp
magpie280168: Bee-wolf
magpie280168: Caterpillar entering a Bee-wolf lair but not being a honey bee it may be safe....
magpie280168: Box Bug?
magpie280168: Common Blue
magpie280168: Field Digger Wasp
magpie280168: 16-Spot Ladybird
magpie280168: Common Lizard
magpie280168: Grayling Butterfly
magpie280168: Cinnabar caterpillar leaving a trail incase it gets lost......
magpie280168: Common Red Soldier beetles
magpie280168: Doc Bug instar nymph