magpie280168: Snail out in the rain
magpie280168: Amber Snail
magpie280168: Garden Snail
magpie280168: Garden Snail
magpie280168: Garden Snail
magpie280168: Garden Snail
magpie280168: Another snail in a pub garden
magpie280168: Garden snail
magpie280168: Black slug - Arion ater in mating mode....
magpie280168: ack slug - Arion ater in mating mode.....
magpie280168: Oi....... get off my bum......
magpie280168: Rather large slug dining on dead frog...... yuck....
magpie280168: Snail with lunch.....
magpie280168: Snail performing chin up's .......
magpie280168: Snail - Bayfield bird walk Norfolk
magpie280168: Great pond snail
magpie280168: A wet day in the garden
magpie280168: Some more life from under the plant pot. Snail egg I think
magpie280168: Black Slug - Arion ater, on a Daffodil
magpie280168: Copse Snail maybe..
magpie280168: Female Blackcap
magpie280168: Green dock Beetle - Gastrophysa viridula
magpie280168: Green Lacewing
magpie280168: Nest building Coot
magpie280168: Silver slug on Dandelion.